Saturday, February 23, 2008


Before I start to write the story I want to said: "Hello Kristi's Mom". I'm saying hello because Kriste said that her mother was reading all the blogs!

Well, the trip to banff was excelent but the problem was the time.

I like a lot the mountains and I want to travel again to banff only to hiking on the mountains.

The town is great but everything is expensive.

The worst part is the W. W. & The Chocolate Factory, because I have to read the book, also while I was eating I was reading, that's why I said that the time in Banff was too short because we have to read the book :(

I'm just joking Kristi hahaha... But I do read the book while I was on the Bus, I't was good because in the bus I was boring and the book kept me entertained.


Vitor said...

Hey Ron,

I got crazy too about the place man, I want came back either to do some crazy adventure in that montains.
If you need a partner to adventure call me.

Sary said...

Hello Getulio!
Jajaja .. I did the same as you, I took my book and during the trip, when I was in the bus I read all chapters of the week. It was not so bad, we were able to finish it on Friday, No homework for the weekend =)


haha~ hi ron~ how is it going?

where were you reading a Charlie's book? sometime you make me so funny and happy~!

why don't you go to pub where i know ? I'd like to drink beer and eat some chicken wings with our classmate. how do you think?

I will wait for your answer~

take care~ good day~

Randy said...

hahaha~~ I know you was pretending to read book. Did you really joke about book?? I can't figure it out. whether that's true or not..haha

Kristi said...

OMG! Ron you are way too funny! I can't stop laughing!!! I'm so happy that the book kept you entertained on your bus ride. See I told you it was a good thing!!!

My mom just had surgery on her foot, so she hasn't been able to get to her computer this week (it's in the basement). I will tell her what you wrote though. :)