Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Bouldering Wall

Hello there!

I went the last week to climb at the bouldering wall. It was fun because I almost finish it the three walls (the wood, the concrete and the rocks). But when I was climbing on the concrete wall I put my finger of the right hand in to a small hole (because only fits one finger) and then I moved my body to the left to change the place where I was and I try to removed my finger faster but it was stuck on the hole, so the finger make a sound like CRACK!!! And it starts to hurt too much. But now I think I'm OK. I'm going every day to climb while I'm looking for a new climbing partner because my last climb partner study here at the U of C and she is having trouble with a subject. Well if anyone is interest in climb let me know!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I would, but I've never been climbing before. It looks like so much fun... well, except the whole finger cracking part :)