Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Fernie Trip

The first day that we arrived to Fernie was a little bit crazy because people was changing their rooms, but when we finish to change our rooms we make a party.

At first only a few people was in there but in different hours others start to arrive to the party, and then we put Latin America music, at first it was too loud so the guest that was taking a nap in the room next to our room start complaining about the music, we didn't paid to much attention hahaha.

At the second day we have the lessons of snowboarding, of course it was my first time, so when
we finish the lessons and went to a beginners route

starts the worst part, because I felt a lot, but it was funny so I don't complain about falling on the snow. With every falling, you learn more! At the third time that I go up it was better because I didn't fall down too much as the first time.

At the end of the day I was really tired, so I return to the hotel and I went to take a bath in the Hot Tubs, It

was very relaxing, and drinking the worst Canadian Rum you can fall sleep.

It was very good taking that bath, of course the third day I want to go there again but there wasn't any time because we had to return earlier to Calgary.

On the Second day we had a party in a club near to the hotel, it was good, but the only problem was that we only have two drinks tickets, but Marcia gave me her tickets so I could drink a little bit more.

The funniest part of the party was a challenge between me and Maxim. It was about how many pictures you can take with the girls from Japan, hahaha it was funny because some Japanese girls go to Maxim and said: hey Maxim do you want to take a picture with me? And Maxim said yes and hey Ron I have 10 pictures already! I'm winning! And then a Japanese girls came where I was and said: hey do you want to take a picture with me? And I said yes and hey Maxim I have 10 pictures too! Of course at the end of the party we have almost 20 pictures each other...

Of course even Kristi was a victim of the competition!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Bouldering Wall

Hello there!

I went the last week to climb at the bouldering wall. It was fun because I almost finish it the three walls (the wood, the concrete and the rocks). But when I was climbing on the concrete wall I put my finger of the right hand in to a small hole (because only fits one finger) and then I moved my body to the left to change the place where I was and I try to removed my finger faster but it was stuck on the hole, so the finger make a sound like CRACK!!! And it starts to hurt too much. But now I think I'm OK. I'm going every day to climb while I'm looking for a new climbing partner because my last climb partner study here at the U of C and she is having trouble with a subject. Well if anyone is interest in climb let me know!