Saturday, February 23, 2008


Before I start to write the story I want to said: "Hello Kristi's Mom". I'm saying hello because Kriste said that her mother was reading all the blogs!

Well, the trip to banff was excelent but the problem was the time.

I like a lot the mountains and I want to travel again to banff only to hiking on the mountains.

The town is great but everything is expensive.

The worst part is the W. W. & The Chocolate Factory, because I have to read the book, also while I was eating I was reading, that's why I said that the time in Banff was too short because we have to read the book :(

I'm just joking Kristi hahaha... But I do read the book while I was on the Bus, I't was good because in the bus I was boring and the book kept me entertained.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Job Fair

Today (Feb. 13) I went to the U of C Job Fair. It was good, I drop four resumes in oils and technologies companies. I hope to get some job in one of those companies. In case that I don't get a job I'll keep trying. But here in Canada i have more oportunities that in my country. Because when i have two weeks here in Calgary I've received seven calls from differents companies, but the problem is that those companies doesn't provide works permitis for foreign people. I have a good feeling that I'm going to find something really soon.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Information about me

My name is Getulio, I'm a computer science engineer and I'm specialized in computer forensics. I like to climb and practice hiking. I'm trying to find a job here in Calgary, and i hope to save enough money, because I hope that in two years I would be able to pay for an excursion and for climbing in the Nanga Parbat mountain (on Kashmir, Pakistan).